Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Micro teaching 2

Hi guys!  Please let me know what you thought of my lesson.  I look forward to reading your feedback


  1. Hello Karen, Mike here. Loved your microteaching lesson. Especially enjoyed how we were first able to come up with our own solutions, but then you guided us as a class towards the actual meanings of the sonnets. I;m not sure if you followed the indirect lesson format to a tee, but you definitely gave us a great lesson. Thanks.

  2. Hi, Kyla, it's Lou, It was very interesting to go over these sonnets. I think the fun part was matching up the pictures with the actual reads of Shakespeare.
    I found your class informative and good thinking challenge to do. I will admit it is was a little hard deciphering the old English terms to modern times, but I think from your remarks to my questions and other that we all learned this process as well as have a new respect and interest.

    Thanks for the great lesson. Best, Lou

  3. Hey Kyla, You did a great job with your second Micro Teaching. It was also a great indirect lesson because the entire time I thought we were going to match a photo with every write-up, but the way you did it sparked great exploration and class discussion. Nice Job!!
